Browse Items (43 total)

1017_Lou Burnard - Data vs Text.mp3
Presentation given by Lou Burnard at the Hidden Histories Symposium, September 2011, UCL.

1012_Melissa Terras - Crowdsourcing.mp3
Presentation given by Melissa Terras at the Hidden Histories Symposium, September 2011, UCL.

Raymond Siemens.jpg
This extended interview with Ray Siemens was carried out on June 21 at Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford University. It explores Siemens’ early training and involvement in the field that is now known as digital humanities. He recalls that his first…

1016_Vanda Broughton - Lost origins of Information Science.mp3
Presentation given by Vanda Broughton at the Hidden Histories Symposium, September 2011, UCL.

1010_Willard McCarty - Beyond chronology and profession.mp3
Presentation given by Willard McCarty at the Hidden Histories Symposium, September 2011, UCL.

John Burrows and Hugh Craig.jpg
This oral history interview between Willard McCarty (on behalf of Julianne Nyhan), John Burrows and Hugh Craig took place on 4 June 2013 at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Harold Short was also present for much of the interview. Burrows…


A luncheon in honor of the Rev. Roberto Busa, and members of the clergy, given by IBM in the Sherry Netherland Hotel, New York, is attended by, left to right, counter clockwise: Perry J.W. Prof, Bradley Phil, Bier William op Rev., Castelli Francis,…

05/10/56 NEW YORK
Busa padre Rev. parte da N.Y. su "Independence"

17/12/56, GALLARATE, Aloisianum [Note: this description is given in the corresponding index file. This file was, to the best of our knowledge, compiled and maintained by Busa himself]
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