Computation and the Humanities interviews
Computation and the Humanities interviews
Audio files of the interviews transcribed in Julianne Nyhan and Andrew Flinn 2016. Computation and the Humanities: towards an oral history of Digital Humanities. Springer.
mp3 formats of interviews
Julianne Nyhan and respective authors
Audio files published in 2017
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• by: the content must be attributed to me and the interviewer.
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Transcripts of interviews are published here:
Oral history interviews about the history of Digital Humanities
c. 1949-present
Collection Items
Individuation is there in all the different strata: John Burrows, Hugh Craig and Willard McCarty
This oral history interview between Willard McCarty (on behalf of Julianne Nyhan), John Burrows and Hugh Craig took place on 4 June 2013 at the University of Newcastle, Australia. Harold Short was also present for much of the interview. Burrows…
The University was still taking account of the meaning of universitas scientiarum: Wilhelm Ott and Julianne Nyhan
This oral history interview between Wilhelm Ott and Julianne Nyhan was carried out on 14 July 2015, shortly after 10am, in the offices of pagina in Tübingen. Ott was provided with the core questions in advance of the interview. He recalls that his…
‘I would think of myself as sitting inside the computer: Mary Dee Harris and Julianne Nyhan
This oral history interview was conducted 3 June 2015 via skype. In it Mary Dee Harris recalls her early encounters with computing, including her work at the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, California. Despite these early encounters with computing…
Moderate expectations, tolerable disappointments
This interview was conducted on 11 July at the 2014 Digital Humanities Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland. Huitfeldt recounts that he first encountered computing at the beginning of the 1980s via the Institute of Continental Shelf Research when he was…
It’s probably the only modestly widely used system with a command language in Latin
This interview was carried out on 10 July 2014 at the Digital Humanities Conference in Lausanne, Switzerland. In it Thaller recalls that his earliest memory of encountering computing in the Humanities dates to c. 1973 when he attended a presentation…
They took a chance: Susan Hockey and Julianne Nyhan
This interview was carried out via skpye on 21 June 2013. Hockey was provided with the core questions in advance of the interview. Here she recalls how her interest in Humanities Computing was piqued by the articles that Andrew Q Morton published in…
It’s a little mind-boggling: Helen Agüera and Julianne Nyhan
This interview was carried out between London and Washington via skype on the 18 September 2013, beginning at 17:05 GMT. Agüera was provided with the core questions in advance of the interview. She recalls that her first encounters with computing and…
There had to be a better way: John Nitti and Julianne Nyhan
This oral history conversation was carried out via Skype on 17 October 2013 at 18:00 GMT. Nitti was provided with the core questions in advance of the interview. He recalls that his first encounter with computing came about when a fellow PhD student…
I mourned the University for a long time: Michael Sperberg-McQueen and Julianne Nyhan
This interview took place on 9 July 2014 at the Digital Humanities Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland. In it Sperberg-McQueen recalls having had some exposure to programming in 1967, as a thirteen year-old. His next notable encounter with computing…
Getting computers into Humanists’ thinking: John Bradley and Julianne Nyhan
This interview tool place in Bradley’s office in Drury Lane, King’s College London on 9 September 2014 around 11.30am. Bradley recalls that his interest in computing started in the early ‘60s. As computer time was not then available to him he…