Hidden Histories: Symposium on Methodologies for the History of Computing in the Humanities, c.1949-1980
University College London, 17 September 2011
(Sponsored by HKFZ and UCLDH)Speakers:
- Opening Keynote: Beyond chronology and profession: discovering how to write a history of the Digital Humanities, Willard McCarty, Department of Digital Humanities, King’s College London; Centre for Cultural Research, University of Western Sydney. Podcast
- Knowledge Spaces and Digital Humanities, Claudine Moulin, Universitaet Trier, Germany
- Unwriting the history of Humanities Computing, Edward Vanhoutte, Royal Academy of Dutch Language and Literature - Ghent, Belgium. Podcast
- Crowd sourcing: beyond the traditional, boundaries of academic history, Melissa Terras, Dept. Information Studies, UCL. Podcast
- Different stories to be lived and told: recovering Lehmann James Oppenheimer (1868-1916) for the narrative of the Irish Arts & Crafts movement (1894-1925), James G.R. Cronin, School of History & Centre for Adult Continuing Education, University College Cork, Ireland. Podcast
- Oral History and acts of recovery: humanizing history?, Andrew Flinn, Dept. Information Studies, UCL. Podcast
- Lost origins of Information Science, Vanda Broughton, Dept. Information Studies, UCL. Podcast
- (Virtual presentation) DH pioneers and progeny: some reflections on generational accomplishment and engagement in the Digital Humanities, Ray Siemens, Faculty of Humanities, University of Victoria
- Closing Keynote: Data vs. Text: forty years of confrontation, Lou Burnard, Oxford University Computing Services (Emeritus). Podcast
- Discussion: towards an oral history of Computing in the Humanities, Chaired by Anne Welsh and Julianne Nyhan, Dept. Information Studies, UCL