The following articles have been published about the project:
[at press] Nyhan, J. and Duke-Williams, O. Joint and multi-authored publication patterns in the Digital Humanities. Literary and Linguistic Computing.
2013. Nyhan, J. What can modern-day Digital Humanities learn from studying its past? Some recommendations and suggestions. Proceedings of CIDE.16: Dispositifs numériques : contenus, interactivité et visualisation
2013. Nyhan, J., Flinn, A. D., Welsh, A. Oral History and the hidden histories project: towards histories of computing in the Humanities. Literary and Linguistic Computing: the journal of digital scholarship in the humanities. Advanced Access:
2012. Nyhan, J., Flinn, A., Welsh, A. Introduction. Digital Humanities Quarterly 6:3.
See details of published interviews on the Interviews page
Notes about research in progress can be found here:
Nyhan, J. Arche Logos blog
The following peer reviewed conference papers and invited talks have been given on the project:
2014. Nyhan, J. and Flinn, A. Whose project is this? Whose stories do we tell? Participatory frameworks for community-based oral history projects. Annual Conference of the Oral History Society "Community Voices: Oral History on the Ground"
2014. Nyhan, J. Memory, narrative and disciplinary identity: an investigation. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
2013. Nyhan, J. Uncovering the “hidden histories” of computing in the Humanities 1949 – 1980: findings and reflections on the pilot project. Digital Humanities conference.
2013. Nyhan, J. and Duke-Williams O. Joint and multi-authored publication patterns in the Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities conference.
2013. Nyhan, J. What can modern-day Digital Humanities learn from studying its past? Some recommendations and suggestions. CIDE.16: Dispositifs numériques : contenus, interactivité et visualisation (Keynote)
2013. Nyhan, J. Through memories and times: reflections on reflecting on the histories of computing in the Humanities. Humanities Unbound, University of Lausanne. (Invited opening lecture)
2012. Nyhan, J. and Welsh A. Uncovering the “hidden histories” of computing in the Humanities 1949 – 1980: an overview of our key findings. Digital Humanities Congress 2012.
2012. Nyhan, J. Digital Humanities: histories or memories and what in between?. Leipzig University, European Summer School of Culture and Technology
2012. Nyhan, J. Contributions towards a history of computing in the Humanities. University College Cork, School of Historical Sciences Seminar Series.
2012. Nyhan, J. What is oral history and what role can it play in the history of Digital Humanities? Universitatet Trier, Digital Humanities Seminar Series.
2011. Nyhan, J. and Welsh, A. Hidden Histories: Computing and the Humanities c.1949–1980. In London Seminar in Digital Text and Scholarship. School of Advanced Studies, Institute of English Studies, University of London.